Its summer! Thats why im making a extra big post today.
So I putted Mario All Star Game on hold so I can learn as2 instead of just copying and pasting codes cuz thats cheat! I will learn everything I need! I won't copy and paste things that I don't iven know what means! So no more copy and pasting codes. I won't use codes before I understand what the codes means! So I will start the game making agin in like 4 or 5 weeks or so! Im really sorry but I have to take a break.
Here is the code that im learnig!:
I will learn more after I understand this code! And remember it! If you think that I copied and pasted the code from a internet side, Then ask me about my Firefox Cookies, And I will tell you., This is the only code that I know!
This is how I understad as2:
I search: Action Script 2 X And Y movements
I find the internet side. Reading the entire tutorial.
Thats how I absorb more code info!
What I'll do today: Watch Hannah plays. The L.A Noirse seasson. but first some League Of Legends. My dad will buy Skyrim to ps3 today So I will play that to! And watch: Justin Biber's Death!
But please tell me: What do you want in the All Star game?
Tell me if you want cutscenes.
Tell me if you want Co-Op with a computer or a other player.
Do you want it to be long or a short game.
What buttons?
And please tell me about a good champion in League Of Legends!
My learning goal: 0.0.3% done.